I'm an associate professor at the Department of Networked Systems and Services of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Currently, I'm the head of the Mobile Communication and Quantum Technologies Laboratory, and the program leader of the space engineering master program of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics.
As a quantum communication expert, I'm actively involved in several quantum computing and quantum communication research projects. As a space communication expert, I'm involved in the work of national and international space organizations.
I’m the Vice President of the Hungarian Astronautical Society (MANT), which is the oldest Hungarian non-profit space association founded in 1956. Between 2009-2018, I was the Secretary General of MANT. I’m deputy editor-in-chief of the Infocommunications Journal, member of the board of a Hungarian scientific newspaper (Természet Világa) and I’m the publisher of a non-profit Hungarian space news portal (Űrvilág). Furthermore, I’m member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and the Scientific Association for Infocommunications Hungary (HTE---an IEEE and IEEE ComSoc sister society). I joined the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) and served as the Hungarian National Point of Contact between 2012-2016 and as an executive member, I was Regional Events Coordinator between 2016-2018.
I became corresponding member of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) in 2019 and full member in 2022.
I’m member of the Hungarian Scientific Council on Space Research as well as the Hungarian ESA delegation as adviser to the Joint Board on Communication Satellite Programme (JCB).
Over the years, I have been involved in a number of national and international research projects. I am currently the leader of the quantum communication activities at the Quantum Information National Laboratory of Hungary and I lead a working group in the QCIHungary project. I have been and am currently involved in projects funded by the European Space Agency.
I have had the opportunity to represent Hungary in various international meetings on space research, space education and quantum communications issues.
I’m member of committees of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF): IAF Space Communications and Navigation Committee (vice chair 2024-2027), IAF Space Education and Outreach Committee (vice chair 2024-2027), IAF Space Societies Committee (chair 2024-2027), IAF Space Universities Administrative Committee, IAF Workforce Development-Young Professionals Programme Committee. I was the science communication manager of the 4-year-long COST Action CA15220 Quantum Technologies in Space between 2017 and 2021.
My first paper was published in 2004. Since then, I have published almost 200 papers (abstracts and full papers) in various conferences and journals and presented our research results in different countries. The complete list of my publications is available in the Hungarian Scientific Bibliography.
I am a regular speaker at various scientific conferences and outreach events. Over the years, I gave talk on space research, space activities, satellite communications, quantum computing and quantum communications, ranging from small group programs for pre-school children to senior academies with hundreds of participants. In addition to lecturing, I am regularly asked to moderate events and panel discussions.
My work has been recognized with numerous awards over the years. If I had to single out one of them, it would be the IAF Young Space Leadership Award from the International Astronautical Federation in 2017, which I was the first - and so far only - Hungarian to receive.
I'm actively involved in the development of education in quantum computing and quantum communication at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics at BME. I teach several quantum courses at undergraduate and masters level, and I am responsible for the minor specialization in quantum informatics at the masters level in computer engineering.
I was instrumental in the national establishment of the national Master of Science in Space Engineering and, as the program leader of the Space Engineering Master Program at BME, I was pleased to congratulate the first graduates in 2024. In the Hungarian UniSpace educational consortium, which currently includes 21 universities, I am the program leader of the space technology postgraduate training course.
My current educational activities are the following:
In addition, I'm contributing one or more lectures to the following courses:
At my previous workplace (Institute of Informatics and Economics, University of Sopron), where I was the head of the institute and the head of the Business Informatics program, I have taught the following courses: Computer Networks (BSc), Computer Networks (MSc), E-Business Systems (BSc), Introduction to technical presentation (B.Sc. & M.Sc.) Security of IT Systems (BSc), Security of IT Systems and Services (MSc), Training on team works (BSc).
One of the greatest joys as a teacher is the success of our students. Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work with many talented students who have been successful in various national competitions and international events. I am also currently supervising PhD students, consulting BSc and MSc students.
Phone: +36-1-463-2556
Room: Building I, IB.117
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