Escher Web Sketch

Gödel, Escher, Bach   |   The Mathematical Art of  M. C. Escher


It's a Funny Old World

Measurement and standards? It's a serious business you know, but here's proof that there is a lighter side! We begin with some culture ...



The Metrologist's Lament

After all those years of training
And work of vast import
I find my patience slowly draining
With each request for a weather report !

It's Simple Mathematics....

Prove the proposition:  $ marketing  >>  $ metrology
(or "Marketing is Much Better Paid than Metrology")

We've all heard the expressions knowledge is power and time is money. Given the basic definition:
Power = Work / Time
and substituting the aforementioned equivalences, we get:
Knowledge = Work / Money
Of course, in the proposition we're trying to find Money so, by simple transformation:-
Money = Work / Knowledge
Therefore, as Knowledge tends to zero, Money increases. With no Knowledge, it doesn't matter how much Work is done for infinite Money !!!
But actually, I'm not really having a go at Marketing.......they're pretty smart cookies, which we can prove using a hybrid of the first equations:
Knowledge = Work / Time
An elegant math demonstration of the fact that the less time they spend working, the more clever they are!

[Latin -- quod erat demonstrandum meaning "which was to be demonstrated"]

World Standards Day

From the pages of Open Systems Today - October 13, 1994 ..........

"The International Standards Organization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) designated October 14 as World Standards Day to recognize those volunteers who have worked hard to define international standards ...
The United States celebrated World Standards Day on  October 11; Finland celebrated on  October 13; and Italy celebrated on  October 18."

No further comment about the global state of "standardisation" is necessary !!!

Engineering content can be a little dry sometimes. To add some spice to this world of precision, we commissioned Rand Kruback to create his artistic view of some common EE terms and phrases.

For your lectures or in your labs, these cartoons should lighten your day!


