Ágoston Schranz – List of publications

MTMT \\ Tud-O-Méter \\ ORCiD \\ Google Scholar

Last modified: 08 Jul 2024

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Journal papers

  1. Ágoston Schranz, Balázs Solymos and Miklós Telek, Stochastic performance analysis of a time-of-arrival quantum random number generator, IET Quantum Communication 5, 140–156, 2024 [doi]
  2. Ágoston Schranz, Eszter Udvary and Balázs Matolcsy, Efficiency improvement of a time-of-arrival quantum random number generator, Optical Engineering 60, 034112, 2021 [doi]
  3. Ágoston Schranz and Eszter Udvary, Error probability in polarization sensitive communication systems in terms of moments of the channel's rotation angle, Optical and Quantum Electronics 53, 62, 2021 [doi]
  4. Balázs Matolcsy, Eszter Udvary and Ágoston Schranz, Common-mode noise filtering with space-divided differential 2x2 vlc for v2v applications, Optical and Quantum Electronics 53, 182, 2021 [doi]
  5. Ágoston Schranz and Eszter Udvary, Mathematical analysis of a quantum random number generator based on the time difference between photon detections, Optical Engineering 59, 044104, 2020 [doi]
  6. Ádám Marosits, Ágoston Schranz and Eszter Udvary, Amplified spontaneous emission based quantum random number generator, Infocommunications Journal XII, 12–17, 2020 [doi]


  1. Balázs Solymos, Ágoston Schranz and Miklós Telek, Correlation avoidance in single-photon detecting quantum random number generators by dead time overestimation, Research Square, preprint, 2024 [doi]

Conference papers

  1. Ágoston Schranz, Balázs Solymos and Miklós Telek, Experimental time-of-arrival quantum random number generation with dead time overestimation, In: 2024 7th International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom), 168–173, 2024 [doi]
  2. Márton Czermann, Uros Dragonja, Luka Podbregar, Ágoston Schranz, Eszter Udvary and Bostjan Batagelj, Experimental investigation of a high-accuracy optical delay stabilization method in free space, In: 2024 7th International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking (BalkanCom), 16–20, 2024 [doi]
  3. Ágoston Schranz, Eszter Udvary, Balázs Matolcsy, László Bacsárdi and András Nagy, A portable ambient optical noise measurement station, In: 2023 23rd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON, 2023 [doi]
  4. Ágoston Schranz, Ádám Marosits and Eszter Udvary, Effects of sampling rate on amplified spontaneous emission based single-bit quantum random number generation, In: 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 1–4, 2019 [doi]
  5. Ágoston Schranz, Experimental investigation of vcsel for quantum communications, In: Mesterpróba 2016, 8–11, 2016
  6. Ágoston Schranz, Investigation of vcsel polarization for quantum key distribution, In: International Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop 2016, 117–120, 2016
  7. Gábor Szabó, Ágoston Schranz and Eszter Udvary, Nonlinear modulation characteristics of leds in radio on visible light systems, In: International Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop 2016, 6–10, 2016

Book chapters

  1. Ágoston Schranz and Eszter Udvary, Polarization modulated vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers in quantum key distribution, In: Optics, Photonics and Laser Technology 2018 223, Springer Series in Optical Sciences, Springer, Cham., 75–92, 2019 [doi]

PhD thesis

  1. Ágoston Schranz, Optical solutions for quantum key distribution transmitters, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2021 [url]
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