Department of Networked Systems and Services
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Budapest, Hungary
Email: fogarasi AT hit DOT bme DOT hu
Research Interests: Mathematical finance, computational finance, neural networks, heuristic optimization, scheduling theory
PhD Topic: OnePageSummary, Thesis Booklet, Dissertation
LinkedIn, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Scopus, ORCiD, SSRN, MTMT, ODT
Selected Publications
1. Fogarasi,
N., Levendovszky, J. (2012) A simplified
approach to parameter estimation and selection of sparse, mean reverting
portfolios. Periodica Polytechnica, 56/1,
21-28. DOI
2. Fogarasi,
N., Levendovszky, J. (2012) Improved parameter
estimation and simple trading algorithm for sparse, mean-reverting portfolios.
Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest., Sect.
Comp., 37, 121-144.
3. Fogarasi, N.,
Tornai, K., & Levendovszky, J. (2012) A novel
Hopfield neural network approach for minimizing total weighted tardiness of
jobs scheduled on identical machines. Acta
Univ. Sapientiae, Informatica, 4(1), 48-66. arXiv
4. Tornai,
K., Fogarasi, N., & Levendovszky, J. (2013) Improvements to the Hopfield neural network
solution to the total weighted tardiness scheduling problem. Periodica Polytechnica, 57/1, 57-64. DOI
5. Fogarasi,
N., Levendovszky, J. (2013) Sparse, mean reverting
portfolio selection using simulated annealing. Algorithmic Finance, 2/3-4, 197-211. DOI
7. Ivanyi, A., Fogarasi, N. (2017) On partial sorting in restricted rounds. Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Informatica, 9(1), 17-34. DOI
8. Ceffer, A., Fogarasi, N., & Levendovszky, J. (2018) Trading by estimating the quantized forward distribution. Applied Economics, 50/59, 6397-6405. DOI9. Ceffer, A., Levendovszky, J., & Fogarasi, N. (2019) Applying Independent Component Analysis and Predictive Systems for Algorithmic Trading. Computational Economics, 54/1, 281-303. DOI
10. Racz, A., Fogarasi, N. (2022) Trading sparse, mean reverting portfolios using VAR(1) and LSTM prediction. Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Informatica, 13(2), 288-302. DOI
11. Udvarnoki, Z.A., Fath, G., & Fogarasi, N. (2023) Quantum advantage of Monte Carlo option pricing. Journal of Physics Communications, Accepted. DOI
12. Racz, A., Fogarasi, N. (2024) Improved Sparse Mean Reverting Portfolio Selection Using Simulated Annealing and Extreme Learning Machine. Contemporary Economics, 18(3), 336-351. DOI
13. Racz, A., Fogarasi, N. (2024) Efective Convergence Trading of Sparse, Mean Reverting Portfolios. Computational Economics, Accepted. DOI
1. Fogarasi, N., Levendovszky, J. (2012) Combinatorial methods for solving the generalized eigenvalue problem with cardinality constraint for mean reverting trading. 9th Joint Conf. on Math and Comp. Sci. February 2012 Siofok, Hungary
2. Ceffer, A., Levendovszky, J., & Fogarasi, N. (2016) Applying ICA and NARX networks for algorithmic trading. ISCEF May 2016 Paris, France
3. Racz, A., Fogarasi, N. (2024) Selection and LSTM based trading of sparse, optimal portfolios using the VAR(p) model. 2nd Workshop on Intelligent Infocommunication Networks, Systems and Services, 2024 Budapest, Hungary DOI
Technical Reports
1. Fogarasi,
N. (2003) Option pricing primer. Technical Report
2. Fogarasi,
N. (2003) Non-gaussian option pricing.
Technical Report
3. Fogarasi,
N. (2003) Option pricing using neural networks.
Technical Report