Lab tools ... (2009. őszi félév)
"One measure of a professional is not only the ability to use a variety of tools,
but also the knack for knowing which tool(s) to use and when." (R. W. Robinett)
Wayne Kerr
6440A and 3260B
54622 D : MSO
+16 logic (timing)
power supply
man. controlled
power supply E9340A
IntuiLink connectivity software
PC application Toolbars ( Word , Excel -- Tools | Add-Ins )
* Oscilloscope (pdf 1.6 MB) : c onnect, save/load settings, get waveform data and screen images , get measurement
* Multimeter (pdf 1.3 MB) : connect, save/load settings, set functions, capture measurement; setup/run logging (Excel)
* Power supply ( pdf 235 KB) : connect, save/load settings, change settings, get measurement; setup/run logging (Excel)
Oscilloscope : Data Capture ( pdf 410 KB) - standalone program
ARB gen : Waveform Editor (pdf 1.4 MB) - standalone program, plus Tools , ... import waveform from o'scope
82357A USB/GPIB transparent interface ( and IO libraries )
- Links ( brochures, appl notes, manuals, FAQs, software ... up-to-date info )
Plug-and-Play; Transparent interface
(Note: new product 82357B)
54622A portable Oscilloscope (MegaZoom)
- Overview ( pdf 222 KB)
- Can I use a USB extension cable | longer cable ?
- GPIB, USB and Instrument Control
- GPIB Tutorial | IEEE 488 : not dead yet? ( pdf 151 KB ) - physical interconnection
- Will USB have an impact on test-and-measurement users? ( pdf 183 KB)
- Bus history ( pdf) | Modern Connectivity – using USB and LAN I/O converters (pdf )
- Understanding drivers and direct I/O
- SCPI and VISA a valuable combination (pdf 192 KB ) - IO transparency
- SCPI Standard
- IVI Foundation - instrument interchangeability
- Virtual instruments drive test standards
- Discontinued. Supported until: 1 March 2012. Replacement Product: 82357B (High-speed USB 2.0)
- Links ( brochures, appl notes, manuals, FAQs, software ... up-to-date info )
2 ch, 100 MHz; max 200 Msa/s, max 2 MB/ch (MegaZoom )
HiDef display, flexible Trig; autoMeas, 2K FFT ; floppy disk
GPIB ( module : N2757A ), IntuiLink (Toolbar | Data Capture), + VEE Pro
54622D portable Mixed Signal Oscilloscope (MSO)
- Poster (pdf 1MB)
- Instrument control (pdf 1.4 MB)
- FAQs (pdf 250 KB ) | Hints (pdf 226 KB)
- IntuiLink: Toolbar (pdf 1.6 MB ) | Data Capture (pdf 410 K B)
- Mega Zoom (capturing infrequent and random events; pdf 1.2 MB)
- Demystifying deep memory oscilloscopes (pdf)
- ActiveX speeds deep-memory analysis | Using ActiveX controls (pdf)
- New Analog Equals Digital Sleight of Hand
- Display mechanisms ( pdf )
- Digitizing Oscilloscopes: An Introduction & Applications
- Lissajous figures | Test your knowledge on Lissajous patterns
- How can I use scope as a basic I-V curve tracer ?
- 10074C probe ( auto readout; pdf 150 KB )
- Discontinued. Supported until: 6 June 2012
- Links ( brochures, appl notes, manuals, FAQs, software ... up-to-date info )
54622A Scope + 16 logic (digital timing) channels simultaneously
33220A Function/ARBitrary waveform Generator
20 MHz sine and square wave outputs; variable-edge pulse ; Std waveforms, Modulations34401A Multimeter
14 -bit, 50 MSa/s, 64K -point deep arbitrary waveforms
DDS: direct digital synthesis for excellent resolution and stability
GPIB , IntuiLink ( Waveform Editor ), + VEE Pro
- Demo | Tutorial (pdf 380 KB) | The ABC`s of ArbWfm Gen (pdf)
- Instrument control (pdf 1.1 MB) | QuickStart guide (pdf 600 KB)
- IntuiLink : Waveform Editor (pdf 1.4 MB )
- Why your function generator outputs twice the programmed voltage
- Generate pulses (pdf) | Create PWM Waveforms (pdf)
- Adding a dc offset to the output
- Spectrum Analysis: Amplitude & Frequency Modulation
- Frekvencia sweep : LIN, LOG (pdf 233 KB)
- Generate a Swept Sine Test Signal | Create a variety of Frequency Sweeps
- How to Connect Two or More Signal Generators to Create a Multi-Channel Waveform Generator ( pdf)
- Links ( brochures, appl notes, manuals, FAQs, software ... up-to-date info )
6.5 digit resolution uncovers the details; AutoRangingE3631A Programmable Power Supply
Voltage, current, resistance ( 2 Wire, NULL feature, 4W )
True RMS AC volts and current
Frequency, period; Math, Data logging
GPIB , IntuiLink , + VEE Pro
- Overview | Tutorial: pdf (242 KB)
- Using multimeter (pdf 520 KB)
- FAQs (pdf 192 KB)
- Relationship between Front panel Digits, Integration Time (NPLC) ...
- DMM Error Series : 1 2 3 (pdf)
- AC-coupled input when measuring ACV
- RMS meas (pdf) | Making better AC measurements
- Incorrect DCV meas on an AC signal | Square wave RMS
- Can I have multiple math functions ?
- IntuiLink : Toolbar (pdf 1.3 MB )
- Links ( brochures, appl notes, manuals, FAQs, software ... up-to-date info )
80 W triple output; Constant voltage ( CV) / constant current ( CC ) sourceE3630A manually controlled Power Supply
6V, 5A & ± 25V, 1A ; Tracking operation ( ± 25V), Output disabling
GPIB, IntuiLink , + VEE Pro
35W triple output
6V, 2.5A & ± 20V, 0.5A; Output tracking ( ± 20V)
Constant voltage (CV) and current foldback ( CF, +6V) / current limit ( CL, ±20V ) modes
Digital voltage and current meters
- Circuit Grounds and Grounding Practices
- Constant current mode ?
- Links ( brochures, appl notes, manuals, FAQs ... up-to-date info )
An easy to use, graphical programming environment
The fastest path from measurement to analysis
"The driver makes the instrument" : VXIPlug&Play drivers (pdf)
- MATLAB ® Analysis | User's Guide
- Links ( brochures, appl notes, manuals, software ... up-to-date info )
T&M Fundamentals | Computer Based Training Modules
Educator's Corner : Teacher's Tools
Example : RC low-pass filter - virtual experiment ( Java ) | minta
Lab1 | BasicTools (pdf 2.4 M B ) | DefaultState | GPIBaddress | GBIPsum | IntuiLink
Scope : Present | QuickMeas | Counter | RiseTime | DisplayMiles | Overlaying | AC/DC quiz
DMM : pdf
Logic analyzers : pdf
Vill Lab1 - pdf (2007-09, 6 MB)
Info MérésLab2 - pdf (2007-02, 4.2 MB)
Spectrum analyzer (ESA-L), RF Signal generator ( ESG-D) - pdf (2005-02, 1 MB)
Grounding | SafetyStd | Demistifying instrument spec's
E9340A LogicWave PC Logic Analyzer
34 channels
100 MHz state ( 64K ), 250 MHz timinig ( 128K ) analysis
Connects via parallel port
Single-screen user interface
- Try LogicWave (Appl SW includes demo capability; Demo video)
- Training logic analysis basics and fundamentals
- Logic Analyzers: Digital Detectives
- Using USB port ?
- Discontinued (2004-08-27) . Supported until: 1 August 2009
- Links ( brochures, appl notes, manuals, FAQs, software ... up-to-date info )