
Interdependent privacy

Dr. Biczók Gergely


Privacy concerns arise naturally along with sharing or releasing personal data. Due to logical connections among individuals (e.g., online social networks) and/or correlation between individuals' data stemming from similar personal (e.g., DNA) or behavioral traits (e.g., individual mobility), privacy breaches and data holder malpractice could potentially jeopardize the privacy of many who may not even be aware of the act of sharing and its impact; not to mention consenting to the sharing. We refer to this phenomenon as interdependent privacy [1].
The prospective student will first briefly get to know the technical, economic and legal background of the topic. Building on that knowledge the student will design and evaluate a simple game-theoretic model capturing the essence of interdependent privacy.
Required skills: analytic thinking, good command of English
Preferred skills: basic knowledge of game tPrivacy concerns arise naturally along with sharing or releasing personal data. Due to logical connections among individuals (e.g., online social networks) and/or correlation between individuals' data stemming from similar personal (e.g., DNA) or behavioral traits (e.g., individual mobility), privacy breaches and data holder malpractice could potentially jeopardize the privacy of many who may not even be aware of the act of sharing and its impact; not to mention consenting to the sharing. We refer to this phenomenon as interdependent privacy [1].

Privacy concerns arise naturally along with sharing or releasing personal data. Due to logical connections among individuals (e.g., online social networks) and/or correlation between individuals' data stemming from similar personal (e.g., DNA) or behavioral traits (e.g., individual mobility), privacy breaches and data holder malpractice could potentially jeopardize the privacy of many who may not even be aware of the act of sharing and its impact; not to mention consenting to the sharing. We refer to this phenomenon as interdependent privacy [1].


The prospective student will first briefly get to know the technical, economic and legal background of the topic. Building on that knowledge the student will design and evaluate a simple game-theoretic model capturing the essence of interdependent privacy.


Required skills: analytic thinking, good command of English

Preferred skills: basic knowledge of game theory