
Szabad parkolóhelyek detektálása képfeldolgozó eljárásokkal intelligens városi környezetben

Gódor Győző

In smart city concept, an intelligent parking assist application is very beneficial since finding a free parking lot in rush hours is very hard. The searching process could take a very long time while unnecessary fuel has been utilized, hereby depleting the environment. Using a smart parking assist application, the environmental pollution can be decreased, moreover, users could save time and so many other advantages could be achieved.

For increasing the user satisfaction, an automatic free parking lot detection mechanism is necessary.

For achieving this, a feasible solution could be the utilization of the camera of a smart phone on which the smart parking assist application is running, or a separate or built-in camera which can map the street. Using image processing techniques from the captured stream free parking lots could be determined.

Students should implement an automative free parking lot finder application based on image processing techniques and it should be integrated to the smart parking assist application.  The app is developed for Android.

Requirements (prerequisites): knowledge of mobile app development (Android), basic knowledge and interest of image processing techniques