
Containerized BigData Platform on Kubernetes

Leiter Ákos

Hadoop is a complex and often fragile piece of technology when it comes to cluster deployments. It comes with many piece of project modules, endless configuration tweaking options. And on top of that you need to deal with a double-faced problem where you need to find a right balance build and a performant and stable system yet to keep it flexible and open for growth as well. This project requires you to take a deeper look into Hadoop cluster configuration, Kubernetes managed infrastructures and find to find an  appealing way to marry the two together. The main aim is to make the Hadoop cluster easier to operate in a reliable manner and streamline operations like upgrades and potential cluster failure recovery.

We are looking to answer the following questions regarding running Hadoop on top of Kubernetes:

● Is it doable? Discover potential issues and roadblocks

● Does Kubernetes make Hadoop cluster deployment easier of the average user?

● Identify key benefits and customer deployment use-cases