
6transperf: Implementation of a Benchmarking Program for IPv6 Transition Technologies

Dr. Lencse Gábor

The topic is for Alexandru Moise, an MSc student, who has already working on this topic since September 2019.

During the ongoing process of the transition from IPv4 to IPv6, the two systems have to cooperate. There are several possible scenarios for the cooperation, and usually multiple solutions (with several different implementations) exist for the same scenario.

RFC 8219 has defined a standard benchmarking methodology for the performance analyis of IPv6 transition technologies. As for benchmarking SIIT (also called stateless NAT64) implementations, there is an RFC 8219 complient tester, siitperf [1], see [2] for the details.

6transperf is intended to support the benchmarking of the 5 most important IPv4aaS (IPv4 as a Service) technologies (464XLAT, DS-Lite, Lw4o6, MAP-E, MAP-T). As for the actual task for this semester, the applicant should design, implement, test and also document an RFC 8219 compliant Tester program for benchmarking DS-Lite implementations, including the separate testing of both the B4 and the AFTR subsystems. The design considerations as well as the source code of siitperf may be used, and similarly, the Tester should be implemented using the Intel Data Plane Develpment Kit (DPDK) due to performance requirements.  The Tester should be published under a free software licence (e.g. GPL) in a public repository (e.g. GitHub).

This topic is suitable for a presentation at the Students' Scientific Conference (TDK) and/or writing an MSc final project thesis. If the quality of the work is good enough, then the supervisor plans to write a common publication with the student.


[1] G. Lencse. "Siitperf: an RFC 8219 compliant SIIT (stateless NAT64) tester", siitperf source code on GitHub, https://github.com/lencsegabor/siitperf

[2] G. Lencse, "Design and implementation of a software tester for benchmarking stateless NAT64 gateways", under review in IEICE Transactions on Communications, Review version in PDF